International Council of Museums
Committee for Museums and Collections of Natural History
Annual General Meeting Minutes
September 3, 2019
Kyoto, Japan
Pursuant to proper notice, the Annual General Meeting for the International Committee for Museums and Collections of Natural History of the International Council of Museums (ICOM NATHIST) was held on September 1, 2019 in Kyoto, Japan.
1. Call to order and Minutes. The meeting was called to order by the Chair. The minutes from the 2018 Tel Aviv/Ramat Gan Annual General Meeting were reviewed and accepted upon motion by a quorum of ICOM NATHIST members present.
2. Officer Reports. The President, Treasurer (by telephone) and Secretary presented reports that were reviewed and accepted upon motion, with an edited Finance Report correcting a mathematical error changing the estimated balance as of December, 2019 from $25,094.29 to $24,094.29. These reports are attached to and made part of the minutes.
3. Board leadership transition. The President and Secretary discussed the new slate of candidates for for Officers and Board members, and the need to elect certain board members for second terms. Upon review and consideration of duly nominated candidates, and a quorum of ICOM NATHIST members being present, the following Board was duly elected:
Dorit Wolentiz, Chair
Christel Schollardt, Vice Chair
Phaedra Fang, Secretary
Jesse Rodriguez, Treasurer (one more year left in term)
The following Board members were elected to their second 3 year term:
Breda Činč Juhant
Shih-Yu Hung
Christel Schollardt
The following new Board members were elected for their first 3 year term:
Atushi Yabe
Dacha Atienza
Phaedra Fang (as Board member and Secretary)
4. Anthropocene. Nicolas Kramer gave a short presentation regarding the Anthropocene working group.
5. 2020 Meeting. Nicolas Frazier gave a brief presentation regarding the joint conference in June 2020 with ICOM NATHIST and the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections (SPNCH) in Edinborough, Scotland.
6. Call for membership. The President encouraged all attendees at the AGM to consider participation in ICOM NATHIST as both a general member and for Board positions.
WHEREUPON, there being no further business, the Annual General Meeting was adjourned.
Minutes prepared by Lynda Knowles, ICOM NATHIST Secretary, this 14th day of June 2020.