- Time: From 26thOctober, 00:00 CET(GMT+2)* until 2nd November, 23:59 CET(GMT+1).
- Voting Platform: Xoyondo; the formal voting link will be sent to eligible voting members by 26th October, 00:00 CET(GMT+2)*. Before that, you may acquaint yourself with the platform by joining a warm-up event https://xoyondo.com/op/GPdvhaD8xsdJnlT
*Note: European Summer Time ends on 30th October, CET.
The election notification has been emailed to all eligible voting members on the 18th and 19th of October, 2022. If you have not received such email, please do contact the Secretary via email at once: secretary.nathist@icom.museum
[Voting Methods]
- Online voting will be available for a consecutive seven days from 26th October, 00:00 CET(GMT+2) until 2nd November, 23:59 CET(GMT+1).
- The formal voting link will be sent to eligible voting members by 26th October, 00:00 CET(GMT+2).
- “Full name” and “ICOM membership number” are required information when submitting your vote on each ballot. Please follow the format below: {Full name}_{ICOM membership number}. e.g. PhaedraFANG_123456
- Once you have completed voting, your votes cannot be edited.
[Voting Ballots]
The voting member will have to tick a maximum of:
- 1 box for the Chair,
- 1 box for the Vice-Chair,
- 1 box for the Secretary,
- 9 boxes for the Ordinary Members.
Electoral Rules (Bylaws of the International Committee on Museums and Collections of Natural History, International Council of Museums (ICOM NATHIST)- 11.4.2018)
[Board responsibilities]
- The ICOM NATHIST management responsibilities reside with an elected Board.
- The Board shall consist of not less than five (5) nor more than twelve (12) persons including the following: the Chair, the Vice-Chair, the Secretary and the Treasurer. Members not holding office shall be known as Ordinary Board Members.
- Each member of the Board shall make every effort to attend the Annual Conference, including the annual board meeting that precedes the AGM. Failure by members of the Board to attend the Board meeting more than two (2) years in a row may result in termination from the Board.
- Each member of the Board must be a member in good standing of both ICOM and ICOM NATHIST to be eligible for elected office.
- All members of the Board must be approved by a majority vote of the ICOM NATHIST members present or represented by valid proxy at the AGM.
- Board members shall be elected for a period not exceeding three (3) years from the date elected and may be re-elected once. A member of the Board may subsequently be elected Chair. However, no Chair/Member of the Board may remain on the Board for more than twelve (12) consecutive years.
- The Chair of an International Committee may not at the same time serve as a member of the ICOM Executive Board, a Chair of a National Committee or Regional Alliance or an affiliated organization.
Eligible list of Candidates (in alphabetical order)
Position of Chair |
Dorit WOLENITZ, Israel |
Position of Vice Chair | |
Philippe GUILLET, France |
Position of Secretary | |
Phaedra, FANG Hui-Shih, Taiwan |
Position of Ordinary Members [9 valid vacancies] (Listed in alphabetical order) |
César Augusto GRIBAUDO, Argentina |
Dacha ATIENZA, Spain |
Henry MCGHIE, UK |
HUNG Shih-Yu, Taiwan |
Juhi SADIYA, India |
Nicolas KRAMAR, Switzerland |
Slovako SPASIĆ, Serbia |
YABE Atsushi, Japan |
The position of the Treasurer will be designated among the elected Ordinary Members.
Position of Chair
Dorit WOLENITZ (Israel)
- Current position: Retired- Director and Curator of Man and the Living World Museum, Israel
- Biography:
Dorit Wolenitz is currently the Chair of ICOM NATHIST. She is recently retired from directing and curating the Man and Living World Museum, a Natural History museum situated in Ramat-Gan, Israel. She has masters of Zoology and a diploma in Museology studies from the Tel Aviv University. She is the founder of the Education Department of the Zoological Center in Ramat-Gan. Since 2008 she has been the Chair of The Israel Association of Museums and the Chair of ICOM Israel. She is a member of the advising committee for The Museum Council of Israel on Academic Museum Studies. As a curator she was involved in curating most of the museum exhibitions, and as a Director she led the museum policy structuring as a leading institute in the community for a sustainable society.
- Professional experience:
- (1981 – 1983) Head of education department Safari Park and Zoo, Israel
- (1983 -2021) Director and Curator of Man and the Living World Museum, Israel
- Chair (2019- present) and Board Member (2016- 2019) of ICOM NATHIST
- (2008- 2016) Chair, the Israel Association of Museums
- (2008- 2016) Chair, ICOM Israel
- Member of the advising committee for The Museum Council of Israel on Academic Museum Studies.
Position of Vice Chair
Philippe GUILLET (France)
- Current position: Director, Natural History Museum of Nantes, France
- Biography:
Philippe Guillet has a doctorate in Earth Sciences and is a senior research engineer at the University. He is the director of the Nantes Natural History Museum, where he is working on a global renovation project that will be completed in 2027.
Previously, from 1988 to 2007, he was director of the OCIM (Office de coopération et d’information muséales), where he was responsible for the development of scientific museums in terms of publishing, continuing education, documentation, technical assistance and international partnerships. He directed the Orléans Museum from 2007 to 2013.
Philippe Guillet also has a long experience of networking in professional associations as he was secretary general (2007-2010), vice-president (2010-2013) and member of the board (2004-2018) of the French section of the International Council of Museums (ICOM). He was also president of the French Association of Museums and Science Centres (AMCSTI) from 1996 to 2000 and from 2012 to 2017, and was a member of the board of directors from 1993 to 2017.
- Professional experience:
- (2013-present) Director of the Natural History Museum of Nantes
- (2007-2013) Director of the Natural History Museum of Orléans
- (1986-2013) Engineer at the Office de Coopération et d’lnformation Muséographiques (University of Montpellier then University of Burgundy)
- ICOM France: Vice-president (2010-2013) and Member of the Board (2004-2018).
- French Association of Museums and Science Centres (AMCSTI): President (1996- 2000, 2012- 2017) and Member of the Board (1993- 2017)
- Member of the scientific committee of the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (Paris) since 2016
- Recent news, publications, or projects:
- Creation of the Lettre de l’OCIM in 1988, the first French-language journal on science museology. Numerous articles in the journal, the most recent in 2021.
- Organization of the Amcsti annual congress in 2016 in Nantes
- Curator of national and international exhibitions (Canada and China for example)
Position of Secretary
Phaedra, FANG Hui-Shih (Taiwan)
- Current position: Curatorial associate, National Taiwan Museum, Taiwan
- Biography:
Ms. Phaedra FANG currently works at National Taiwan Museum as a curatorial associate of the Education Department and the Secretary of ICOM NATHIST. She holds a master’s degree in zoology and a Ph.D. candidacy in the International Program of Climate Change and Sustainable Development at National Taiwan University. Her academic interests include sustainability education and citizen science.
She’s been actively participating in ICOM NATHIST since the beginning of her career. Working as the Secretary, she has jointly taken the responsibility of co-organizing the Annual Conference 2021 and Joint Annual Conferences with SPNHC in 2020 and with UMAC, ICME, and ICR in 2022.
In addition to her long-term project “International Docent Training Program” which engages young students in cultural preservation, she also prepares exhibitions at the Museum. Her recent exhibition “Sustainable New Year’s Dinner Tables- Dining in the Anthropocene”(2021) introduces the festival foods of the diverse ethnic populations in Taiwan and more sustainable culture. In 2020, she translated Dr. Rob Dunn’s popular science book “Never Home Alone” with Dr. RAU E-Ping and won the first prize in the translation category of the 11th Wu Ta-Yu Science Publication Award, the highest honor for Mandarin Chinese popular science publications.
- Professional experience:
- (2016- present) Curatorial associate, National Taiwan Museum, Taiwan
- (2019- present) Secretary, ICOM NATHIST
- (2019- present) Adjunct Lecturer, General Education Center, Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan
- (2020- 2021) Advisor, Taipei City Walker Club, Taipei First Girls Senior High School, Taipei, Taiwan
- Recent news, publications, or projects:
- Managing Newsletters and assisting all meetings of ICOM NATHIST.
- (2022) Honorable Mention, Governmental Environmental Education Action Plan: “Sustainable New Year’s Dinner Tables- Dining in the Anthropocene” Special Exhibition and Outreach
- (2016- present) “Sustainable New Year’s Table” Initiative. Winning 2020 & 2021 Merit Award of National Environmental Education Annual Projects.
- (2015- present) Urban Naturalist Project, focusing on the phenological survey in parks and urban ecosystem issues.
Position of Ordinary Member- Candidate 01/10
Anaïs Walsdorf (UK)
- Current position: History Ph.D. Student, Science Museum, London and University of Warwick, UK
- Biography:
I am a first year History PhD student with the University of Warwick (UK) studying the colonial history of 19th century metallurgist John Percy’s mineralogy collection at the Science Museum in London, UK. My academic background is in colonial history (MSc from London School of Economics) and international development studies with a focus on human geography and Latin America (BA from University of California, Berkeley). I have worked at the museum and library at Wellcome Collection, an institution that focuses on medicine and health, London’s Migration Museum, and as a freelancer for the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience (ICSC). I am a member of ICOM, the UK Museums Association, and the UK Natural Sciences Collections Association (NatSCA).
- Professional experience:
- (2022- present) Library Assistant, Wellcome Collection, London, UK
- (2020- 2022) Visitor Experience Assistant, Wellcome Collection, London, UK
- (2021-2022) Freelance Copyright Consultant, International Coalition of Sites of Conscience, NY, USA
- (2019-2021) Freelance Researcher and Blog Contributor, Migration Museum, London, UK
- (2019-2021) Freelance Gallery Supervisor, Migration Museum, London, UK
Position of Ordinary Member- Candidate 02/10
Anita Hermannstädter (Germany)
- Current position: Co-Head of Department “Humanities of Nature”, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Germany
- Biography:
Anita Hermannstädter is a trained historian, science manager and the Co-Head of the “Humanities of Nature” department at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin. Together with other colleagues from the humanities, she has built up this area since 2012, which is dedicated to the political, social and cultural relevance of natural history museums in the past and present. She is also engaged in the strategic development of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin regarding the societal role of research museums and international relationships. Currently she is involved in the developing of the “TheMuseumsLab”, an exchange and mutual learning program between African and European museums professionals launched in 2020.
ICOM NATHIST members may know her from the keynote “Old Things – New Insights. Approaches from the Humanities and Arts” at the virtual NATHIST conference in 2021 where she presented some of her projects and methods to open up natural history museums.
Anita is also a founding member of “Symbiosis” an interdisciplinary and international network set up to research and develop the role of the arts and the humanities in natural history museums and collections.
- Professional experience:
- (2012- present ) Co-Head of Department “Humanities of Nature” of Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Germany
- (2018-2022) Deputy Leadership of the DFG research project “A Window on Nature and Art. A Historical Study of the Brandenburg-Prussian Kunstkammer”
- (2014-2018) Head of the model project “Art/Natur. Artistic Interventions at the Museum für Naturkunde” in cooperation with the German Federal Cultural Foundation
- Recent news, publications, or projects:
- Hermannstädter, Anita / Heumann, Ina / Pannhorst, Kerstin (Eds.): The Nature of Things. Stories from a Natural History Museum. Reimer 2021
- Hermannstädter, Anita: Questioning common museological practices. Case study: Museum für Naturkunde Berlin. In: Camilla Rossi-Linnemann, Giulia de Martini (eds.): Art in Science Museums. Towards a Post-Disciplinary Approach , Routledge London 2019. S.238-240.
- Hermannstädter, Anita (Ed.): Art/Nature. Interventions at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin. Edition Braus 2019.
Position of Ordinary Member- Candidate 03/10
César Augusto GRIBAUDO (Argentina)
- Current position: Director, Museo Educativo Patagonico, Argentina
- Biography:
I have a degree in Museology, graduated in 1984. University Professor of Natural Sciences, and of Applied Museography. Taxidermy teacher. Member of ICOM for 40 years. Member of the ICR Board 1986-1989.
Advisor at the Museum of Natural Sciences Bernardino Rivadavia in the departments of Paleontology and Education.
Technical advisor to Foundations for the Conservation of Nature and Management of Natural Protected Areas such as Patagonia Natural and Habitat and Development. Director of Science and Technology of the Province of Santa Cruz, Director of Museums and Cultural and Natural Heritage of Caleta Olivia, Provincial Wildlife Ranger.
I am currently Director of the Patagonian Educational Museum, Director of the Santa Cruz North Coast Cetacean Project, Member of ICOM (International Council of Museums), Member of the World Society of Marine Mammals, and Coordinator of the Hope Spot Golfo San Jorge Sur.
My main areas of specialization with marine mammals and other coastal fauna include the integrated management of Natural Protected Areas, research, censuses, dissemination and education. In all this prioritizing interdisciplinary work and coordinating teams.
- Professional experience:
- Member of the International Committee of Regional Museums of ICOM.
- Member of the International Committee of Natural Science Museums of ICOM.
- Director of the Patagonian Educational Museum.
- Reviewer of scientific papers for The Society for Marine Mammalogy.
- Recent news, publications, or projects:
- (2022) Photo-identification catalog of Sei Whales from the South of the Sna Jorje Gulf, Caleta Olivia, Santa Cruz; Argentina, César Gribaudo, Angeles Iriel Rodriguez- Patagonian Educational Museum. August 2022.
- (2019) “Research and protected areas, the key to conservation and to raising interest in sea mammals in the local community”. (Research and protected areas, the key to the conservation and projection of marine mammals towards the local community). Gribaudo C, Gribaudo F., Patagonian Educational Museum. I World Congress of Marine Mammals (World Marine Mammal Conference – WMMC 2019). December 2019.
Position of Ordinary Member- Candidate 04/10
Dacha ATIENZA (Spain)
- Current position: Head of Scientific Area, Consorci Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, Spain
- Biography:
Scientific director with more than 15 years of provable experience in the management of research groups, as well as strategic projects linked to natural sciences.
Thanks to my training as a biologist and specialist in marine science, and my professional experiences throughout the years, I achieved high-quality results in the areas such as organization, leadership, and strategic view, defining priorities and accomplishing the established goals, seeking at all times the progress of both my team and the institution.
I’m also responsible for our main project on citizen science, BioBlitzBcn, a long-term project (ten years now) that involves citizens and specialists creating lists of urban biodiversity. And last, I’m actively involved in the gender equity group at the museum.
- Professional experience:
- (2011- present) Scientific Director, Consorci Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, Spain
- (2007- 2011) Postdoctoral Researcher, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas – ICM, Barcelona, Spain
- (2019- present) Board member, ICOM NATHIST
- (2019- present) Member of the committee for the organisation of the annual conference of the European Network of Science Centres and Museums (ECSITE).
- (2020- present) Member of the communication task group of the International Association for Biological Oceanography (IABO).
- Recent news, publications, or projects:
- Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF) 2020, Trieste, Italy (2-6 septiembre). Engaging the public with the scientific process in science engagement organisations. Presentación: BioblitzBcn as an example of how multiparty collaborations and participation help a research project and policy makers. Atienza, D., Omedes, A.
- Atienza D., Uribe F. (2019). Ciència ciutadana i biodiversitat: Els riscos d’una aliança natural. En: Som natura. El repte de l’antropocè (Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat : Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, editors). Barcelona, 164-168.
Position of Ordinary Member- Candidate 05/10
- Current position: Museum consultant of Curating Tomorrow (self-employed)
- Biography:
I have a background as an ecologist, museum curator and manager. I worked as a field ecologist before entering museums. I was curator of zoology and then head of collections at Manchester Museum, University of Manchester, from 2000-2019; involved in strategy and management, developing exhibitions as well as research use of the collections. I set up Curating Tomorrow in 2019 to help empower museums and those who work in them to contribute towards sustainable development agendas, including the SDGs, climate action, biodiversity conservation, human rights and Disaster Risk Reduction. I was a member of the ICOM Sustainability Working Group from 2018-22. I write a series of freely available guides on museums and sustainable development topics, and have written many articles, book chapters, one book on my own (on 19th century ornithology) and two co-edited books on climate change communication.
In a sentence, I am very passionate about unlocking the potential of museums to contribute to sustainable development agendas, to develop more effective policies, empower people to fulfill their environmental rights, and make the most of collections through research, engagement and more.
- Professional experience:
- (2019- present) Curating Tomorrow (consultancy)
- (2010- 2019) Head of Collections and Curator of Zoology, Manchester Museum
- (2006- 2010) Head of Natural Sciences and Curator of Zoology, Manchester Museum
- (2005- 2006) Principal Curator of Natural Sciences and Curator of Zoology, Manchester Museum
- Recent news, publications, or projects:
- Our Collections Matter (consultant for ICCROM, on SDGs and collections)
- Reimagining Museums for Climate Action (competition, exhibition and resources for COP26) (museumsforclimateaction.org)
- McGhie, H. A., Black, T., Indriago, G., Kapustina, C. and J. Chu (2022). Measuring and Reporting Greenhouse Gas Emissions: an introduction for museums and cultural institutions. Curating Tomorrow and Co2Action. Curating Tomorrow, UK.
- McGhie, H. A. (2022). Understanding the Sustainable Development Goals: a guide for galleries, libraries, archives and museums. Curating Tomorrow.
- McGhie, H. A. (2022). Action for Climate Empowerment: a guide for galleries, libraries, archives and museums. Curating Tomorrow.
Position of Ordinary Member- Candidate 06/10
HUNG Shih-Yu (Taiwan)
- Current position: Director, National Taiwan Museum, Taiwan
- Biography:
Hung has devoted his research and career to cultural planning and heritage conservation. He became Director of National Taiwan Museum in 2016 and was appointed as a member of the Preparatory Committee of Taiwan’s National Indigenous Museum.
National Taiwan Museum was established in 1908 and is the oldest museum in Taiwan. It focuses its collections and research on both natural history and the humanity of Taiwan. The Museum has been devoted to engaging the public in environmental education since 2013, and a special focus on multicultural outreach and multilingual services since 2014. It has also been active in international cooperation on natural history exhibitions with museums in Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, Australia, Korea and Czech in recent years. Hung has been working to push the opening of the Museum’s four-branch system in 2020 and permanent exhibitions on natural history in 2021.
Hung was formally elected as an Ordinary Board Member of ICOM NATHIST in 2019. Already, the team from the National Taiwan Museum have taken a keen interest in ICOM NATHIST, as the consummate hosts of the 2015 international conference of ICOM NATHIST, supporting the redevelopment of the Platform 2022 website of ICOM NATHIST and various conferences and discussions.
- Professional experience:
- (2016- present) Director, National Taiwan Museum, Taiwan
- (2014- 2016) Director, Department of Planning, Ministry of Culture, Taipei, Taiwan
- (2022- present) Board Member, Advisory Committee of National Human Rights Museum, Taiwan
- (2020- present) Member, Preparatory Committee of National Indigenous Museum, Taiwan
- (2019- present) Deputy director, Chinese Association of Museums, Taiwan
- (2019- present) Board Member, ICOM NATHIST
- Recent news, publications, or projects:
- (2022) Public Relations Award, Foundation of Public Relations Taiwan: National Taiwan Museum
- (2021) National Environmental Education Certified Venue Merit Award: National Taiwan Museum
- (2018) Taiwan Lighting Environment Award: Beimen Branch, National Taiwan Museum
Position of Ordinary Member- Candidate 07/10
Juhi SADIYA (India)
- Current position: Assistant Professor, Department of Museology, National Museum Institute, New Delhi, India
- Biography:
Dr. Juhi Sadiya is working as Assistant Professor of Museology. Her area of expertise includes Museum Education, Museum Ethics, Audience research and Documentation in Museums. She has immense interest in conducting research on natural history museums. Her doctoral research focuses on the role, relevance and potential of natural history museums in society. She has authored several research papers on the analytical study of various aspects associated with natural history museums. Her research work focuses on policies, ethics, relevance, exhibitions, educational services and visitor study of natural history museums of India. Her research work also focuses on the linkage between natural and cultural heritage and attempts to explore the ways how environmental awareness can be created among the Indian public using cultural practices associated with nature.
- Professional experience:
- (2017- present) Assistant Professor, Department of Museology, National Museum Institute, New Delhi, India
- (2016-2017) Guest Teacher, Department of Museology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India
- (2014- 2016) Research Fellow, Department of Museology, National Museum Institute, New Delhi, India
- Recent news, publications, or projects:
- Contributed a research paper for the third issue of Museology research series: Of Muses, Museums and Museology titled ‘Meaning making in Natural History Museums of India: Visitors’ Perspective and their experiences’
- Contributed an article for the International Journal of Society and Humanities titled ‘Rediscovering Natural Heritage through Cultural diversity: A case study of the Peepal tree’
- Worked as a member of the research team for the research project ‘Things Encountered, Things Unbound: Objects Engagement in Museums in India and the UK’, a joint collaboration between the National Museum Institute (NMI), Delhi and University of Leicester, UK. As part of the research team, conducted research on visitor behaviour in Monastery Museum in Ladakh and Market Harborough Museum, United Kingdom.
- Worked as a Research Fellow on the project ‘Documentation of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Western Uttar Pradesh’
Position of Ordinary Member- Candidate 08/10
Nicolas KRAMAR (Switzerland)
- Current position: Director, Nature Museum Valais, Switzerland
- Biography:
Nicolas Kramar is the director of the Musée de la nature du Valais and chairs of the executive board of the botanic garden Flore-Alpe. He associated researcher at the LIP-TECFA (Unige) and at the HEP-VS.
He is member of the Committee for Museum Definition, Prospects and Potentials (ICOM Define), Chair of the ICOM-NATHIST Anthropocene Working Group, member of the Jury of the Expo Prize of the Swiss Academy of Sciences, member of the programme committee of ScienceComm (Swiss annual congress of science communication) and from 2012 to 2022 was member of mus[nat]coll.ch, the swiss association of museums of natural history.
Nicolas Kramar has a master degree in geology and mineralogy (Unil), PhD in geochemistry and crystallography (Unil and EPFL) and a research master degree in history, philosophy and didactics of sciences (Lyon I and ENS-Lyon).
- Professional experience:
- (2013- present) Director of Nature Museum Valais (State of Valais)
- (2013- present) Chairs of the executive board, Jardin botanic Flore-alpe
- (2020- present) Member of the ICOM Define, Committee for Museum Definition, Prospects and Potentials
- (2020- present) Member of the programme committee of ScienceComm (Swiss annual congress of science communication)
- (2019- present) Chair of the Anthropocene Working Group, ICOM NATHIST
- (2017- present) Member of the jury, Expo Prize of the Swiss Academy of Science
- Recent news, publications, or projects:
- Contracts for scientific expertise with the Musées des Confluences-Lyon and Naturisches Museum Basel from 2018 to 2021.
- (2016) Expo Prize from the Swiss Academy of Sciences for the exhibition Nicolas Kramar curated and titled « Destination Earth, living in the Anthropocene »
- Associated researcher at the LIP-TECFA (University of Geneva) and at the HEP-VS.
- Numerous publications in the fields of earth sciences, museology and education.
Position of Ordinary Member- Candidate 09/10
Slavko SPASIĆ (Serbia)
- Current position: Director, Natural History Museum Belgrade, Serbia
- Biography:
Slavko SPASIĆ, senior curator, biologist, Master Engineer of Organisational Sciences
Director of the Natural History Museum in Belgrade, Vice-Chair of the Regional Alliance ICOM SEE, member of ICOM-IMREC Academic and Programming Board, Main Republic coordinator of the event in Serbia “The Best Musems”.
Member of the International Committee for Natural History Museums (NATHIST) since 2014, member of the Ethical Commission for Animal Welfare of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Belgrade since 2011, member of the International Committee for Museum Management (INTERCOM) since 2015.
President of the National Committee of ICOM Serbia (2013-2019), member of the ICOM Strategic Plan Committee (2014-2016) and member of the National Advisory Committee for Monitoring the Implementation of the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (2015-2020), performed duties of Vice President of the Management Board of the Nikola Tesla Museum, member of the Management Board of the Museum of Theatre Arts of Serbia.
He directed his research activities towards building management in culture, improving the system of preservation, management and presentation of the natural heritage of Serbia.
- Professional experience:
- (2008-2017, 2021-present) Director, Natural History Museum, Belgrade, Serbia
- (2017- 2021) Researcher, Institute for Studying Cultural Development, Belgrade, Serbia
- (2019-2021) Steering Board member, Museum of Theatrical Arts of Serbia, Belgrade
- (2013-2019) Chair, NC ICOM Serbia
- (2014-2016) Member, ICOM Strategic Plan Committee
- Recent news, publications, or projects:
- Manifestation Museums of Serbia / Museums for 10 (2015-present), Organizing Committee member and Lead Coordinator
- Natural History Museum, Traveling Exhibitions, (2009-present), Project Manager
- Reginal Conference Museums and Cultural Tourism, 2014, Project Manager
Position of Ordinary Member- Candidate 10/10
YABE Atsushi (Japan)
- Current position: Senior Curator, National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo, Japan
- Biography:
Dr. Yabe is a senior curator of paleobotany in the Department of Geology and Paleontology of National Museum of Nature and Science, Japan. He has been a council member of the Paleontological Society of Japan since 2015. He got master degree from the Department of Geosciences in the University of Tsukuba, Japan (Geology) and got Ph.D. from Graduate School of Science of Chiba University (Biology) in 2011. Early in his carrier, he was involved in museum construction project in Fukui Prefecture of Central Japan, to establish a new natural science museum and have worked there for about 15 years. In the year of 2012, he moved to the current museum as a curator of paleobotany. Dr Yabe’s research interests is floristic history of the Japanese Islands and its relationship with past climate changes. Beside curating the biggest paleobotanical collections in Japan, he also works for education and exhibitions collaborating with local museums in Japan.
- Professional experience:
- (2014- present) Senior Curator, National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo, Japan
- (2021- Present) Invited Associate Professor, the Open University of Japan
- (2021- Present) Council of Japanese Association of Historical Botany
- (2020- Present) Executive director of the Geological Society of Japan
- (2019- Present) Board Member, ICOM NATHIST
- (2019- Present) Member of the Standing committee of the Palaeontological Society of Japan
- Recent news, publications, or projects:
- Yabe, A., 2022. New Technologies that Lead the National Museum of Nature and Science into the Future under COVID-19 Pandemic. Member Column, ICOM Japan. Available from: https://icomjapan.org/en/updates/2022/03/31/p-2834/
- Yabe, A., Ito, Y., Kaneko, N., Ohta, T., Nakamura, Y. and Ichikawa, T., 2021: Plant macrofossil assemblage from the Wakamatsuzawa Formation (upper Eocene-Lower Oligocene) stored at the Kitami Region Museum of Science, History and Art. Bulletin of the Kitami City Museums, no. 2, p. 1-34. (in Japanese with English abstract)
- Yabe, A. and Kitamura, K., 2020. Plant macrofossils from the marine Ieda Group (lower middle Miocene) in northern Iwata City, Shizuoka, Central Japan. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, vol. 46: 23-46.