2016 Student Bursary Winner Announced

The Board of ICOM NATHIST are delighted to announce that Anneke Groen a Master’s student from Reinwardt Academy in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, has won the 2016 Student Bursary to attend the General Assembly in Milan.

Anneke was chosen from a field of very strong candidates and were gratified to the enthusiasm for the field and the conference. The Selection Committee would like to congratulate Anneke on her excellent submission.

Originally graduated as Master of Science in Business Economics at the University of Amsterdam, Anneke decided a few years ago to fulfill a long-cherished dream and to enroll in the Master of Museology program of the Reinwardt Academy in the Netherlands.

Within this program, she focused on natural history museums. For her thesis she explored the current and future use of taxidermy mounts in natural history museums in Europe from the perspective of three specific stakeholder groups, namely the museum professional, the taxidermist and the museum audience.  To obtain the audience data, she did audience research at Naturalis Biodiversity Centre in the Netherlands.  Currently, this thesis is under review.

At this moment Anneke is involved in several small projects, namely the development of a catalogue for a new natural history exhibition at Naturalis Biodiversity Centre, the development of a new strategic concept for Het Pieter Vermeulen Museum (a small, regional natural history museum), and the development of a traveling exhibition about a natural history topic (the animal biography of an elephant).

It is Anneke’s hope that her presentation at the ICOM NATHIST Conference 2016 will serve as a springboard and will enlarge her chances to become a professional, enthusiastic and active participant in the museum world, preferably in the natural history field. She also is interested in an opportunity to extend the research of her thesis topic, especially outside the Netherlands.

The ICOM NATHIST bursary is offered to fund attendance to general assemblies. Find out more about the program at this link.