Working under the auspices of the Council of Europe, the European Museum Forum, which is also an ICOM partner, is dedicated to promote best practice examples in the museum sector and to create partnerships with other museum organisations. The common objective is to strengthen the position of museums in the times of crises and implement activities to widen and exchange knowledge in cooperation programmes.
A good opportunity for joint activities is the eCultValue project for which a grant from the EU 7th Framework Support Action Programme was received. The project already organised several events from Dialogue Days to specific workshops and each event had a focus on different aspect in the process of bringing new technologies into museums. The project tackled topics like 3D storytelling and social media, digitization or cooperation between museum and ICT sector and discussions took into account different aspects of future collaboration and developments. The examples presented at events came from different EU projects that had been already financed by the EU and their valorisation can be best seen through implementation of the results.
The target participants in eCultValue workshops were younger museum professionals interested in new technologies and the project gathered a significant group of experts who will act as ambassadors in cultural heritages institutions. The on-line platform is still open for those who would like to present their museum achievements related to new technologies, join in as individual supporters or to create their museum profiles and promote success stories from their institutions.
The project has also opened a vivid discussion on new technologies and how t